Photo: Francesca Aldegani





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Needle Meditation,
a Participative Canvas for Nesting Coexistence

Workshop with Francesca Aldegani

Meeting point: Zentralgartenbüro / Forum Urbanes Gärtnern, Schörgelgasse 27/1, 8010 Graz
Wednesday 03.07.2024, 18:00 – 20:00


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For the Graz Forum for Urban Gardening, artist Francesca Aldegani has developed a new project that involves working together on a piece of canvas by applying interesting found objects from community gardens to it. The small objects can also come from other green spaces and "wild spots" of the city. Everyone is warmly invited to bring their own objects and work them into the canvas during a joint session.

The inspiration for this work came to the artist during a walk through Graz, which took her past the Botanical Garden, where a handkerchief tree (Davidia involucrata) was in full bloom. Here she collected some fallen "handkerchiefs" from the sidewalk and later pressed them. Francesca Aldegani intends to start the new canvas with one of these findings, under the title "Needle Meditation, a Participative Canvas for Nesting Coexistence."

Throughout the summer, the canvas will be passed from one community garden in Graz to another.

Francesca Aldegani is an Italian artist living in Vienna. Her artwork frequently incorporates textile materials and she often invites others to participate in the creation process.

Registration is requested at but not mandatory.

The workshop is organised as part of the Wild Spots Exhibition. Wild Spots is part of the Art Space Unlimited project co-financed by the European Union
